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Dev Blog #9 - Demo release date announcement!

Updated: May 24, 2023

Welcome back for unquestionably the most exciting dev blog so far!

Last month we revealed our plans to release a demo soon, and today we are thrilled to announce that a release date has been set!

Demo Release - May 31st

After almost three years of development, we are proud to announce our demo will go live on Wednesday the 31st of May! We have been living towards this moment for a lo

ng while now, and we can’t wait to hear the first feedback from you guys.

Just to recap, the demo will feature one fully playable Disasterthe Influenza Virusand all six player roles will be fully playable! You’ll also be able to invite your friends to tag along, even if they haven’t downloaded the demo. Just stream the game through a video conference tool like Zoom or Discord, and you’re good to go! Or sit down on your couch and run it on your TV, for the ultimate couch multiplayer experience!

So mark your calendars, get ready to give Project Planet a go and let us know what you think!

That’s it for today. Be sure to follow us on our social channels for more content!

And if you want to get in touch or ask us questions, head over to our Discord community!

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